Tuesday, October 6, 2009

About Last Night...

Every once in a while he sneaks in to my dreams and I wake up feeling guilty.

So this morning I moved Vicky Cristina Barcelona to the top of my Netflix queue. I've already seen it, but I could watch it over an over. I can't tell if it's because I think it's a good movie or because he's all smoldery for 96 minutes straight.

Once I even dreamt about him as his character from No Country for Old Men sexing me up. That particular dream not only made me feel guilty, but also confused.

Oh Javier. Take me away from all of this!

There's that guilt again.


  1. i was totally with you on this one 'til you mentioned his character from 'no country for old men.'
    i am absolutely terrified of that guy.

    love vicky cristina barcelona, though. :)

  2. I can't control my dreams Heather. He just snuck in there with that creepy hair and gray complexion. It was still a beautiful beautiful thing. And yes Shauna, I'm wiping the drool off my keyboard right now.
