Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bush Meets Bush

Brad and I are going to visit the Arizona Bushes, Eric and Angie for a whole week! To illustrate my excitement, I played around on Polyvore for an hour.

We're going to the Grand Canyon, a spring training game, shopping at Fashion Square, record shopping in Phoenix and we're going to eat some succulent (that's for you, Brad) Mexican food. It's all going to be fabulous. The best part is, we'll be spending all our time with our best friends!

Hallelujah, holla back!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

OK OK, One last thing!

I was ill this week and when I stayed home from work I watched all 3 seasons of Arrested Development.

TV on DVD is great for when you're stuck on the couch AND Arrested Development is great for any and everything.

I saw an "I Miss the Bluth's" bumper sticker a couple weeks ago and it made me want to tongue kiss the person driving the car. But we were at a red light and I didn't want to risk the light turning green mid-frenching. Oh well, maybe next time.


1. Spread Scott's Turf Builder w/Moss Control™ on the:

Side Yard

Back Yard

Front Yard

2. Dig up the daffodils that are in what used to be a flower bed and move them to a spot that makes more sense for us.

From here
and here
to here

3. I also need to dig up those rocks that are in our front yard and do...something with them. They don't belong there anymore.

4. Finish power washing our multiple walkways.

I washed all the moss off them last weekend and you can totally see where I sprayed. Tacky.

5. The ubiquitous laundry situation.

My hamper always seems to look like this.

6. Organize my craft area.

I don't even know where to begin.

11. Give sweet Bosley a bath.

I can see the stink lines swirling off his head.

7. I need to dye my roots.

Shockingly, I'm not a natural platinum blonde. Oh my!

You can also see the stink lines coming off my head. Though, I think I should do the yard work before I bathe myself...but am I really going to do yardwork? Eh. It's possible. I better just stay stinky all day in case I decide to do something. Good plan.

I got tired of taking pictures, but I also need to:

8. Finish spray painting some brackets for a shelf we're going to hang under a kitchen window. The shelf is for the cats as all are window sills are so narrow they aren't able to enjoy the sunshine like they used to in our apartment.

9. Sweep and vaccum. Much like laundry, this is always on my list of things to do.

10. The bathroom smells like an old folks home, so I'm thinking I need to clean it.

Can I do all this in one day? Probably, if I start now and don't stop until night time. But we have guests coming over for dinner so I should probably focus on the inside stuff. Plus, I have no supplies for the turf builder project and I kind of feel like I should make Brad do that anyway. I get stuck with all the inside chores so he should have to do all the outside chores. Now, just to clarify, when I say "I get stuck with" I mean that I don't think Brad does a good enough job, so I have made myself in charge of them. It's a blessing and a curse to be such a thorough cleaner.

I love being a homeowner, I really really do. But wow oh wow. I definitely understand why my dad was so grouchy on the weekends in the spring. There's so much and it never ends. I have no idea how he did it all and had 3 kids to deal with.

Now, enough blogging! The time for action is upon us!