At the same time, the cat show is fucking awesome. Rows and rows of lazy, pampered cats. These cats are all funky looking, to boot. It's rare for me to see pure breds and since I'm a huge fan of felines it's quite a treat.
The saddest magnet in the world:
You can bet your sweet bippy that I'll be going to the Oregon Classic Cat Show in 2012. Though, I'm thinking I'm going to wear a t-shirt that says "FIV+" and tally how many dirty looks I get from fancy cat snobs.
Boom like you mean it.
Speaking of Bosley! My next project was to de-stuff those 8 throw pillows that were previously on the couch, and use the stuffing to make Boz a bed! I have a large amount of leopard print fabric that I knew would be perfect. I didn't take any pictures of the process, but it's just a super basic big square pillow. Once I got all the stuffing inside, I realized I would need more. So I found my old Dolly Parton Halloween costume and pulled all the stuffing out of the 38 G bra I had fashioned.
Finally, there seemed to be enough stuffing to make things comfortable for The Bozzman. Once he figured out that it was OK for him to lay on it, it became clear that he loves it!