Friday, February 4, 2011

Dog Bed! Throw Pillows!

My mom gave Brad and I a $100 gift certificate to Ikea for Christmas. Going in to that store with free money was one of the greatest experiences of my consumer life. While we were in the throw pillow section, Brad admitted to me that he hated our throw pillow situation. We had an eclectic mix of 8 small-ish throw pillows on our couch. Brad lays on the couch a lot and hates having to deal with all of them. So we ended up buying 2 fatty uncovered Ikea throw pillows. I decided I would use some fabric that we already have to cover them. I didn't want to spend $13 on a pillow cover from Ikea. Eff that.

When we got home I looked through my piles of fabric and found the last of the tablecloths I made for our wedding. (I had already recomissioned the others for window treatments.) I decided these would be perfect for the pillows.


Bosley approves!

Speaking of Bosley! My next project was to de-stuff those 8 throw pillows that were previously on the couch, and use the stuffing to make Boz a bed! I have a large amount of leopard print fabric that I knew would be perfect. I didn't take any pictures of the process, but it's just a super basic big square pillow. Once I got all the stuffing inside, I realized I would need more. So I found my old Dolly Parton Halloween costume and pulled all the stuffing out of the 38 G bra I had fashioned.

Finally, there seemed to be enough stuffing to make things comfortable for The Bozzman. Once he figured out that it was OK for him to lay on it, it became clear that he loves it!

Also, please note that my dog is the cutest dog in the whole wide world.




  1. Bosley is so fucking cute and he looks perfect in between the new pillows on the couch and on his awesome new bed. Good job Joy!

  2. Great job, Joyous! I still have great aspirations to take my house-warming-gift-sewing-machine from my mom out of its box, and, you know, actually sew something. Specifically, pillow covers. 'Cause Gert destroys them like no bodies business.
