Ghostbusters came out in 1984 and Ghostbusters II came out in 1989. I was born in 1983. I'm not sure how old I was when I first saw Ghostbusters, but I was old enough to know what love was. Love was Dr. Peter Venkman. He was funny, he was cute, and he busted ghosts. Nuff said.
I had a Venkman action figure when I was little. When you pressed down his arms, his eyeballs popped out.

I was so infatuated with Venkman that I used to make out with my action figure. Or whatever "making out" means to a 5 year old. The only problem was, he was so small that it was basically just me sucking on the tiny action figure's head...that sounds really really dirty. I was 5. Get your mind outta the gutter.
Once I figured out that Venkman was an actual guy named Bill Murray, that's been it for me. I had this doll that was basically a wooden dowel with a round wooden ball glued on the top. A face was painted on the ball. I think maybe my grandma made it for me. I named the doll "Bill" and had my mom perform a marriage ceremony between Bill and I in our living room during one of the commercial breaks for Magnum P.I. It was magical.
Still, my husband makes me laugh harder than anyone ever has and ever could. He's my own Peter Venkman action doll, but life sized. He's my own Bill Murray, but you know, much younger and better looking. It's pretty awesome.
Also, he may not bust ghosts - but he can bust out a dope rhyme.
Visit http://www.sticksdowney.com/ or http://www.slyrecords.com/ to enjoy how talented and funny he is. He updates the Weekly Waste on Sly Records every Wednesday morning and it's always a fun way to start my Hump Day.
Do it to it!
What a wonderful way to start my day! YAY!
ReplyDeletei love you joy! and our shared tastes.
ReplyDeletedude, two words: tom. hanks.
ReplyDeleteTom Hanks always seemed more like the kind of guy that would be married to my best friend and that I would have a platonic crush on. Though perhaps you are my best friend. Ah ha!