Yay! Our offer on the house was accepted last week. Now I'm scheduling home inspections and trying to figure out when to give our property manager 30 days notice.
I'm going to try to use this move as an opportunity to organize all my crap. Usually when I unpack in a new place I just dump stuff directly from a box (or lawn bag) in to a drawer and call it good. I'm determined not to do that this time. We will be in this house for the long haul and I need to start with some organization.
I have so many awesome ideas for the house already. We'll be moving in sometime late next month and when we do, get ready for some before and after pictures. It's going to be fantastic. I love color. There will be no beige and cream in our house. Get ready for some fun times.
In other, less exciting news, I have fallen in to the laundry trap. I did a load of laundry this weekend and it's still sitting in the basket in the bedroom. Normally it would only be a matter of time before the contents of the basket were strewn about the bedroom floor, but not anymore. Mrs. Bush needs to take control of the situation; tonight I'll put my laundry away.
Yay, House!