Well in the Bush Wifedom, it was a solid Valentine's Day. Brad isn't a sentimental guy, but he really did a good job this year of pandering to my wussy side.
In a romantic and very cute move on his part, he bought me begonias. The lady at the flower shop helped him pick these out. He told her he know I would want something I could plant in the yard of our new house. He really hit the nail on the head.
Next, he got me a piece of lemon cake from Starbuck's. I've included a picture I found using Google image search. I don't have a picture of the actual slice he got me because I inhaled it pretty much immediately after receiving it. Booyah.
Last, he got me this sweet Simpsons Valentine's card. It says: "To My Wife...Honey, I love you even more than TV..." He wrote real sweet things on the inside, but I'm not going to tell you what it said because that's private. Get outta here you vultures!
Now, what did I do for him? Well, I married him! Isn't that enough?! Just kidding. I got him a Wii Motion thingy for our second WiiMote. We have one already, but we needed a second one so we could play Wii Resort together...as a couple...aaaawwwww...
I also got him a manly pair of boxers from the Gap.
It doesn’t get much fancier than that. After seeing this sign, I worried that this might end up being a crapfest and that I’d be calling animal services by the end of the day. Then we walked in to the hall and I was proven wrong. It just goes to show: never judge a cat show by it’s hastily spray painted sign. There were so many different kinds of cats that I'd only ever read about in my nerdy cat books. In fact, I finally got to see Sphynx kitties in real life!
There were a ton of Persians there as well, which made for some good cat ogling.
Then there was Ringo, my hands down favorite:
His owner was wearing a sweet Hawaiian shirt and had the shiniest mullet I’ve ever seen. I think it may have been a wig.
Overall, the Cat Show was a great success in that I was extremely happy and fascinated the entire time. I don’t really care about all the ribbons and the judging and the money that these people spend on their cats. If that’s how they want to fill their empty lives, that’s their deal. As long as their cats are healthy and happy, I can't really complain.
Brad and I were discussing how we should start a cat show for rescue cats only. Not really sure how that would work, or what the point would be, but it’s a nice idea.