Well we haven't signed our closing docs yet. Not looking very likely that they'll be ready for us to sign until Monday. UHaul reservation was moved to Wednesday.
Talked to our tax guy and he's going to amend our 2008 tax returns and file for the $8k tax credit as soon as we close. Should take 6-10 weeks for that to get to us. Right around Christmas time, so that will be nice. We're paying off a bunch of debt with it, which will be a wonderful feeling. Then we'll really be able to afford our mortgage payments as opposed to barely being able to afford them.
Husband and I were talking last night about how incredibly exhausted we are. For the past 3 months we've felt as though we were in a state of flux. Just waiting for things to happen. Once we get in to our home that will be a huge relief. The crappiness of waiting for our life to begin hasn't been a strain our new marriage, just a strain on patience with life. We've actually become closer because of all the disappointments we've shared. Every step of this process has been riddled with delays and with hoops to jump through. At this point, we've done our part. Now we're just waiting for these people to give us our house.
So we're moving in on 10/28, which is cutting it awfully close to Halloween. I have a feeling that on Halloween night, instead of going to the Campbell's party, I will need to stay home and unpack. I can always be Madonna next year. Or maybe I'll make our housewarming party a pop star party or something.
as you will soon figure out, i read your blog in clumps and then days and days pass by. so forgive my tardiness on this one, but i just wanted to add that you not only get $8000 but a little extra $100 or so for "interest" - which i don't fully understand. but it happened to me and a gal here in my office who bought her house a week after i did. so hey, xmas BONER! i mean, bonus.
ReplyDeletei'm so damn happy for you guys! you were my inspiration to buy my own home and i really thought you'd get yours before i got mine - so it's a little goofy, but damn...you've hung in there through all the mistrials and disappointments and my hat's off to ya cuz that is exhausting just imagining, let alone to experience (which i thankfully spent minimal time doing).
i swear, though, you'll set foot in the house with all your boxes of belongings and within a day or so all the old stress will melt away. perhaps some "new house" stress will creep in, but it's a good kind and a welcome kind and a creative & inspiring kind.