Tuesday, October 27, 2009


We signed our closing docs today!

But wait!

There is a problem with the deed and the wrong banks name is on it and until they fix that we can’t fund and record!


If we don’t fund and record by Friday then we can’t legally move in to our house on Saturday. LEGALLY.

Well guess what bitches? I’m above the law.

All the stress of the home buying process has given me some pretty sweet acne. I mean, holy jeebus. My lower cheeks are all spotty. Also, I had a ridiculous pimple near my eyebrow that I massacred last night. Now it’s a ridiculous bright red scab. I like to imagine that it makes me look like this:
But I’m sure it’s more like this:
Then my husband’s all like this:
Then we’re all like this:
So that’s what the home buying process does to marriages, folks. You have been warned.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Fun!

For the second year in a row, Eric informed me on Wednesday that he found out that day that we were going to have to 'volunteer' our time for his school the following Saturday night... three short days away! Sweet! AND, said volunteering involves dressing up in a halloween costume and handing out Dum-Dums to kids at the Zoo. Although this is not generally how I like to spend my free time, it's for the kids ladies and gentlemen and therefore I would be a colossally bad person to say no.

So, this is the craftiest thing we could come up with in short notice...

Aside from the fact that my overalls were nice enough to make me look about 50 pounds heavier than I actually am, I was pleased with the result.

Happy Homemaking All!!!

Streaks on the China

Husband is a nerd and he loves the Mr. Belvedere theme song. He googled the lyric "Streaks on the china" one day and he found this awesome blog. The author, Sara, is hilarious and enjoys the same kind of crap that we enjoy over here in wifedom. So when you're done reading our awesome blog, if you're hungry for more head on over to Streaks on the China (which, btw, is the best blog name EVER.).


Saturday, October 24, 2009

One year ago today...

I began my adventure into wifedom. Rob and I went from boyfriend and girlfriend to the future Mr. & Mrs.

He was pretty creative in his proposal. We met at a karaoke bar, so it was only appropriate that he propose during a karaoke competition.

Now here we are a year later, happily married and enjoying life. Rob is just the best. I couldn't ask for a more supportive, caring, funny, and adorable husband. Here's to many, many, many more years of happiness together.

Pie Master Campbell

So it's been quite a while since I've been here, but I'm back!! And I made my first pie! I was so excited and proud of myself for doing this (this is what not working has done to me, getting SO EXCITED to bake a pie!). I made a bourbon chocolate pecan pie, minus the bourbon, I just didn't feel like going to the liquor store. I chose pecan pie because 1. It's fall and I wanted something fitting, and I wanted to practice for Thanksgiving, and 2. When I lived in New Orleans we had a pecan tree in our backyard, so we would just pick up the nuts, crack 'em and eat 'em.

So, here's the recipe. It's pretty easy and really doesn't take too long. With this recipe I got to use my super awesome kitchenaid mixer. That thing is like a miracle. I made whipped cream for the top of the pie in less than 5 minutes!

I made that dough! The last time I tried making dough it was for a traditional New Orleans King Cake, and lets just say it didn't end well.

F.Y.I. unsweetened chocolate is not good. Butter doesn't make it better.

I love this thing.

Please pay no notice to my double chin, but look at my pie! I made that!

I am now considering participating in the 3rd annual Portland Pie Off next summer. I'm gonna do a whole lot of practicing in the coming months so I can have the greatest pie! Watch out Baden!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Well we haven't signed our closing docs yet. Not looking very likely that they'll be ready for us to sign until Monday. UHaul reservation was moved to Wednesday.

Talked to our tax guy and he's going to amend our 2008 tax returns and file for the $8k tax credit as soon as we close. Should take 6-10 weeks for that to get to us. Right around Christmas time, so that will be nice. We're paying off a bunch of debt with it, which will be a wonderful feeling. Then we'll really be able to afford our mortgage payments as opposed to barely being able to afford them.

Husband and I were talking last night about how incredibly exhausted we are. For the past 3 months we've felt as though we were in a state of flux. Just waiting for things to happen. Once we get in to our home that will be a huge relief. The crappiness of waiting for our life to begin hasn't been a strain our new marriage, just a strain on patience with life. We've actually become closer because of all the disappointments we've shared. Every step of this process has been riddled with delays and with hoops to jump through. At this point, we've done our part. Now we're just waiting for these people to give us our house.

So we're moving in on 10/28, which is cutting it awfully close to Halloween. I have a feeling that on Halloween night, instead of going to the Campbell's party, I will need to stay home and unpack. I can always be Madonna next year. Or maybe I'll make our housewarming party a pop star party or something.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So Tired

Well folks, it's not looking great. We still have not signed our closing docs for our house. We're hoping to sign them tomorrow so we still move in on Saturday as planned. If we sign on Friday instead of Thursday, then we won't be officially closed on the house until Monday. If that happens then we'll have to take a day off work next week and move in then. There are a couple things about that that suck ass. 1. I used up all my vacation time for the wedding, so I'd be taking a day off work unpaid. Not cool. 2. Brad can't take any time off on Monday or Tuesday because there's important shit going down in his office on those days - so we wouldn't be able to move in until Wednesday. Ugh. 3. We were supposed to be closing on 10/15; best case scenario means we're still closing a week later than we planned.

Oh well. Bitch bitch bitch. We're still getting that sweet $8k tax credit.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Drag Me to Heck

I was over at the Campbell and Rybolt house yesterday doing Miss Shauna's hair and we watched Drag Me To Hell. At first, I decided that it was OK, but I didn't get what all the fuss was about. Now, 24 hours later, the more I think about it the more I want to watch it again and the more I think it might be worth owning.

Also, this is gold:

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Our closing date was postponed. We were supposed to sign the papers on Thursday. Now it's looking like we won't be signing until early next week "hopefully Monday". In response to the stress of all this, my right eye began twitching intermittently on Monday and didn't stop until the late afternoon on Thursday. Yesterday, I felt like my body had broken down. I was achy and feverish. Clearly, I handle stress very well.

After 15 hours of sleep, I finally feel better and while I'm still pissed that we can't get in to the house this weekend, I'm also still very happy that we will be in our first home sooner than later. This weekend was going to be all about painting the new place and ripping up carpet. Now it's all about boxing up our massive amounts of stuff and getting ready to move it 30 blocks down the road in to our new home. I'm so glad moving day is almost here.

She May Be Weary

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Husband and I are moving in to our first home on the 24th. That means I should be packing right now, but alas, I'm doing this instead.

In my mind, married Joy would have been up hours ago and the living room would be vacuumed and the dishes would be stowed in the dishwasher. She'd have half the knick knacks packed up and would be organizing all the books so that when we unpack them they'll be in alphabetical order. Instead, I slept in on purpose so I wouldn't have to deal with any of that crap. Pretty tricky huh? Or maybe just irresponsible. I guess once you're married it doesn't mean you become a better version of yourself. Who knew?

Oh well. Time to put some pants on and deal with life.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

About Last Night...

Every once in a while he sneaks in to my dreams and I wake up feeling guilty.

So this morning I moved Vicky Cristina Barcelona to the top of my Netflix queue. I've already seen it, but I could watch it over an over. I can't tell if it's because I think it's a good movie or because he's all smoldery for 96 minutes straight.

Once I even dreamt about him as his character from No Country for Old Men sexing me up. That particular dream not only made me feel guilty, but also confused.

Oh Javier. Take me away from all of this!

There's that guilt again.