I went to Michael’s (My second favorite store after the ubiquitous Target) today and totally scored. Michael's is having a big sale right now so I intended to go there to purchase some storage bins on the cheap, but they were 1. overpriced (even at 50% off) and 2. wicker. Why is wicker so expensive? More to the point, why is wicker so ugly? The world may never know. So I'm thinking I'll have to go to
The Container Store or some reasonable facsimile, so that I can find some stylish bins for my craft organization extravaganza.
So what did I score at Michael’s?
Cork Board to make one of
Canvas Panel 2 pack for painting portraits of my cats (I already have one canvas at home).
Fatty bottles of acrylic paints in white, black, brown, blue, red and yellow – see above.
Buzzy Grow Kits for sweet basil, poppy, curly parsley, black eyed susans and lavender.
Total: $37.33Not bad at all.
I can’t wait to get my cork board project underway. I have seen this so many times on craft web sites and it never stops amazing me. I love to display my jewelry, but there was never a great way to do it. I have a few jewelry boxes, but I never use them because I like to have my jewelry out so that I’ll remember what I have.
I want to paint portraits of the cats because I love love love doodling pictures of them when I’m bored.

I feel like with the proper tools I could turn these doodles in to something that we could use to decorate our home and to celebrate our little furry babies.
The plants are for the home we have an offer in on. It’s got this awesomely humongous window sill in front of the kitchen window. It would be perfect for a little indoor garden. I’m trying not to go to nutso buying stuff for the house that we don’t have yet, but it’s getting harder the longer we wait to hear back from Freddie Mac (they own the house). The plants were 50% off and ended up being like $2 each. I believe that to be a sound investment. I’m going to wait to start them until we get in the house because right now our apartment is already too crammed with stuff.
To organization!